Models of Engagement
Team as a Service

In the ever-changing landscape of the global marketplace, the need for businesses to be agile and adaptable is greater than ever. Team as a Service (TaaS) in the sense of costs management is based on the idea of full commitment of a company to its primary activity, leaving the other segments of business to experts from various fields. Focused on the optimization of all segments of business, TaaS is an efficient delivery model for any company, regardless of size and type of activity.
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Fixed Scope

This delivery model of a fixed scope contract makes a service provider and a client set the fixed costs, the project scope, and the determined deadlines in advance. To make accurate estimations, programmers need to have a clear vision of a final product before the first line of code is even written. If a client decides to add some features, all the terms, including the set price, amount of work, and timeline, are to be negotiated separately.
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